
Groups are communities of interest around a shared pool of pieces. Group owners may define own terms and conditions of membership.

Group Name▼DescriptionManageGroup
The Mbira of the Ndau (AT)The list of pieces from AT's article. Details
Mhlanga on a MhlangaA group for people to learn Chris Mhl... Details
Mbira's Restless DanceThis is a study group for Paul Berlin... Details
Mbira dzaVaNdau transcriptions by Tony PermanTranscriptions from Tony Perman "Brev... Details transcription editorsThis group is for editors of matepe t... Details
Learn Mbira dzaVaNdau with Solomon MadhingaThis is a 5-piece introductory course... Details
Die Kunst des Mbira-SpielsThis is a list of transcriptions from... Details
Chipendani und MbiraStudy group for the transcriptions of... Details