
Groups are communities of interest around a shared pool of pieces. Group owners may define own terms and conditions of membership.

Group Name▲DescriptionManageGroup
Chipendani und MbiraStudy group for the transcriptions of... Details
Die Kunst des Mbira-SpielsThis is a list of transcriptions from... Details
HfMT Köln MbiragangStudy group for students of Hochschul... Details
Learn Mbira dzaVaNdau with Solomon MadhingaThis is a 5-piece introductory course... Details transcription editorsThis group is for editors of matepe t... Details
Mbira dzaVaNdau transcriptions by Tony PermanTranscriptions from Tony Perman "Brev... Details
Mbira's Restless DanceThis is a study group for Paul Berlin... Details
Mhlanga on a MhlangaA group for people to learn Chris Mhl... Details
The Mbira of the Ndau (AT)The list of pieces from AT's article. Details